Summer Container Gardening Care and The Tools Needed to Get …

Summer flowering containers add interest, color, texture, depth and a unique sense of personality to your outdoor spaces. With so many options available during the summer months, filling up your co...

Design a Tropical, Low-Maintenance Summer Container Garden

Our gardens can have many different looks, themes, and characteristics to give us that unique feel we all crave as gardeners, and one look many of us seek year after year is a bold, tropical look. ...

Summer Harvest Abundance in Outdoor Container Gardens

Summer is the season of abundant harvests! From loads of tasty tomatoes and peppers to delicious fresh herbs, growing your favorite food crops in a container garden has never been easier thanks to ...

Container Gardening In Our Changing Climate

Container Gardening In Our Changing Climate

As we forge ahead with our planting plans this season it’s a good idea to think about how our climate has changed over the last few years. Here on the lower mainland of British Columbia we’ve seen long cool wet springs followed by extreme heat and then lower than...

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Finding the modern garden planter you need

Finding the modern garden planter you need

Finding the aesthetic design that your project requires is sometimes difficult and then pairing it with the right product attributes to grow healthy plants is even more stressful.  We went ahead and summarized your alternatives for selecting modern plant pots below....

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Pebble Plant Dolly – Rolling with your needs

Pebble Plant Dolly – Rolling with your needs

This fall we hosted a pebble plant caddy design challenge on our Instagram with the purpose of seeing all the ways our caddies could be used by seasoned container garden designers. Each design offered its own unique take on the multifunctional caddies and took...

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How do self watering pots work?

How do self watering pots work?

You asked, we answered.  We took all the frequently asked questions on self-watering planters and answered them for you.  How do self watering planters work? There are many different types of self watering pots in the marketplace and they all work differently. ...

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Fun Gardening with Kids Activity

Fun Gardening with Kids Activity

In this digital world that we live in it can be so beneficial for our mental health to take a step back, pause, and spend some time in nature. This is especially true for our kids, who are growing up in a fast-paced technological society. While the pandemic provided...

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